It all begin the late 2012, when Lars and Nordan started to jam in Nordan's father's old studio, which used to be the main rehearsal place for the band called "Frozen Fire". A pretty well known swedish band during the seventies. In the beginning of 2013, Lars's childhood friends joined up for the fun that was going on. And they came to stay for the fun, which it was. But however, everyone of them was actually a guitar player at the bottom, they changed their instrument. Lars ended up with the Vocals, still playing guitar in some of the tracks live, Erik continued playing guitar, Andreas was set on Bass and Nordan got to be the drummer. But they did however felt as they were one man short. Especially someone who could take on the solo part, so Nordan invited one of his lifelong friend Robin and they felt like that was the missing link. The band was finally complete! So now the struggle with a name for the band began. It was first called "One Life" which just simply is fucking stupid for a metal band, we finally came up with something who could actually relate good with our lyrics. So the name was set, Broken Oath it was! We started of to create a few songs and got in touch with Ronny Milianowicz (Dionysus, Sinergy, Saint Deamon), where we got to record the songs. Ronny thought it all sounded good, oh well, those two songs we started of with atleast, so he contacted sliptrick records who instantly got interrested but required better overall quality. So Ronny wanted to be our producer and we were really excited to have such a fantastic guy to be our producer, so we continued our recordings and in June, all of the 11 tracks were recorded, mixed and mastered! Mastering was made by Jens Bogren! We got in touch with Sliptrick again and we decided to jump one the train to ride along with them. So now, almost 2 years after the first note that ever was taken by Broken Oath, we got ourselves a great Record Company behind our backs, a great producer who we'd like to call our friend and a fantastic group of 5 badass guys who love what they do. The future is still not clear, but we promise that we'll always make our best to rock the shit out of you!
Suffer In Silence was born in Rimini (Italy) in autumn 2002 when the guitarist/singer Patrick Amati after a few experiences in local bands decides to create a band for himself to express totally his ideas. From then a few live concerts started, among the songs covers of Deicide and Carcass. Everything was fine, many projects going on but unfortunately in spring 2004 the band split-up. After a long search of musicians finally S.I.S. are back at the end of 2005 but with a different line-up. In may 2006 the band records the first demo at Fear Studio and in 2007 the song "Dreams Of Glory" appears in the cd of extreme italian bands -Torment compilation Vol.1-. In april-may 2009 the band returns in studio to record the first full-lenght "Brutal Realities". In November 2009 the band signs with SG Records and in january 2010 the album is out distributed by 7hard. In 2012 the songs "Absurd Humanity" and "Delete" appears in several online compilations: -Metalwave Vol.4-, -Mp3 goes Metal! Vol.2- , -Metal Undergroundzine 3 Year-, -Underground Metal Alliance Vol. 2- and -L'angolo della follia Vol.9-.
In 2013 Suffer In Silence becomes one-man-band and in the late summer the recordings for the second album "Behind The Truth" are completed. In December 2013 Suffer In Silence signs with Sliptrick Records, the new album is out on February 28th 2014 worldwide!
The band established in early 1996, after that the Prophecy had been divided , Róbert Hocza (guitar, vocal), Krisztián Békei (bassguitar) and Gábor Somodi (keyboard) joined to Gábor Bartók (guitar) and László Zabari (drums) who had played together some years ago. The debut was in ’96 on a talent scout called “Rockpárbaj” in Kazincbarcika. By the same competiton the band got the 4. place and got a special award from the Metal Hammer in 1999. In this period more member changed on the keyboard and bassguitar places but finally Larion Oláh (keyboard) and Zoltán Almási (bassguitar) joined to the band. The first EP called "Meaningless Heavenly Being" got ready in 2000, publisher was the Backwoods Production. There were some quieter years and memberchanges in 2002, then for the end of 2005 formed the present set-up: Róbert Hocza and Gábor Dévényi at the guitars, Roland Lovas at the bassguitar and László Zabari at the drums. The music moved to instrumental and machine based line. In the spirit of this new line, prepared a new 5 tracks demo, called Ecotone in home circumstances in March, 2007. At the same time got ready the official home page of the band by János Fürjes. The soundtrack got very good critics all the electronical and printed press. The first videoclip /Ecotone/ also prepared in March, from minimal costs in home circumstances by Tibor Mile. The clip was produced in a programme called “Megawatt” of VIVA television. The first concerts happened in this new form with a lot of positive feedbacks from the audience. In the March of 2008 Gábor Dévényi travelled abroad, so temporary Máté Bodor joined to help to the band on the concerts. Máté plays a part in more bands (Overload, Lost Symphony), at the present he is studying in London as an I.C.M.P. scholar, and playing at the british Aeon Zen band. The band took part on many national talent scout in year 2008, where was born more great results: -ÉTER festival, Salgótarján- 1st place -AZFESZT talent scout, Nyírbátor- 3rd place -Gyár-Sztár talent scout, Budapest- 3rd place -Metalchamp talent scout, Budapest- 7th place At the end of the year Gábor returned and took up his place in the band. After we started the recording of the second demo with home studio. The Sagittarius demo was born and published in January of 2009. This stuff also came in for favourable welcome and comparatively spread in a wide circle, thanks to the free downloadable. The new videoclip is in making, called Copernicus , which will be on view in this year. On the appearances every song couple with one-one video installation with projection, what came into existence by Tibor Mile.
I V-Anger nascono nel 2006, con il nome di Hate4All, dalla voglia di 4 vecchi amici di riprendere a suonare e farlo nel maniera più pesante possibile. La band è originariamente formata da ALEX alla voce, MAX alla chitarra, UCA al basso e LEO alla batteria. I quattro, ormai non più giovani, hanno ben in mente cosa fare: suonare dal vivo ed incidere un disco il prima possibile. Nel 2008 presso i "Moonhouse Studio" di Milano registrano un EP intitolato Mad for Hate. Seguirono alcune esebizioni live che riscossero ottimi consensi. Dopo pochi mesi dalla pubblicazione dell'EP, a causa di insanabili problemi interni, la band però si sciolse. Leo e Uca abbandonarono gli strumenti mentre Max e Alex continuarono a suonare in progetti differenti. Max creò, insieme a Danilo al basso, Marci alla batteria e Davide alla voce, i V-ANGER con l'intento di continuare il percorso musicale intrapreso con gli Hate4All ma influenzato da sonorità piu' metal-core/hardcore. Nel giro di pochi mesi i V-Anger realizzarono almeno 5 nuovi pezzi inediti, prepararono alcune cover e riproposero 2 pezzi (First Angel ed Hate for All) della vecchia band di Max, gli Hate4All. L'obiettivo dichiarato della band era di presentari sul palco il prima possibile. Il sound risultò meno pensante rispetto al passato ma sempre di impatto, diretto e moderno. A luglio 2012, presso i MobSound Studio di Milano, registrarono e masterizzarono successivamente a Londra il loro primo EP "This is my life" completamente autoprodotto e composto da 5 pezzi inclusa la traccia "Hate for All". Nonostante la buona riuscita di alcuni concerti ed un buon feedback ricevuto per la realizzazione dell' EP, la band non era soddisfatta del cantante Davide per diversi aspetti ed iniziò a prendere in seria considerazione la ricerca di un nuovo cantante. La svolta decisiva avviene quando ALEX (oggi front-man della tribute-band dei Motorhead chiamata MOTORHELL) contatta MAX per riprendere i vecchi pezzi degli Hate4All con l’intendo di riformare la band. MAX a questo punto, propone ad ALEX e ai restanti membri dei V-ANGER di arruolarlo alla voce e di fondare il repertorio degli Hate4All e dei V-ANGER. Dopo solamente una prova tutti rimangono soddisfatti dal sound che si fonde alla perfezione con la voce di Alex. Alex entra ufficialmente nella band completando l’attuale line-up.
Alogia je grupa koja je nastala po ideji braće Srđana i Miroslava Brankovića. U početnoj postavi bend je radio sa 2 pevača - Nikola Mijić i Ivica Lauš (obojica su finalisti 3K dur ciklusa), kasnije je kao stalni član i frontmen ostao Nikola Mijić.
Prvi album je objavljen 2002. godine ("Priče o Vremenu"), a drugi 2004. godine ("Priče o životu"). Oba albuma su rasprodata u tiražima od po 4000 diskova, a bend je za kratko vreme napravio prekretnicu na tadašnjoj srpskoj "heavy metal" sceni i pokrenuo lavinu novih i mlađih bendova koji su počeli raditi pod uticajem Alogije. Još uvek, Alogia ostaje zapamćenja kao najtiražniji srpski metal bend.
Alogia ima i jedan album na engleskom ("Secret spheres of art") izdat na stranom tržištu pod okriljem "Locomotive Music"-a, koji su poznati po objavljivanju mnogih velikih bendova (Carmine Appice, Astral Doors, Elegy, Prong..). CD je distribuiran širom sveta i bend je dobio mnogo odličnih recenzija u većini velikih svetskih metal/rock magazina.
Bend je 2007. godine objavio i prvi DVD sa snimkom koncerta u prepunoj velikoj sali beogradskog SKC-a. DVD je objavljen jos jednom pod etiketom "One records"-a. Na pomenutom koncertu su gostovali i članovi grupa Divlje Jagode, Riblja Čorba, Kerber, Osvajači...
Alogia je nastupila kao revijalni bend na mnogim velikim festivalima (EXIT, BEER FEST, HENDRIX FEST, GITARIJADA ZAJEČAR...). Takođe, Alogia je nastupala kao specijalni gost na koncertima nekih stranih velikih bendova - WHITESNAKE, APOCALYPTICA, SAVATAGE...
Tokom svih ovih godina, bend je imao nastupe širom ex-Yu. Neki od gradova su: Beograd, Novi Sad, Kragujevac, Banja Luka, Pirot, Split, Sarajevo, Smederevo, Kovin, Kosovska Mitrovica, Čačak, Bosanska Gradiška, Trebinje, Bratunac, Kotor, Inđija, Bačka Palanka, Odžaci, Arilje, Jagodina, Šabac, Pančevo, Kula, Kruševac, Paraćin, Vrnjačka Banja, Gornji Milanovac, Bečej, Ćuprija, Požarevac, Aleksinac, Zrenjanin, Čelarevo, Obrenovac, Senta, Krupanj...
Momci su u 2008. godini objavili CD ("Expedition Delta") za američkog izdavača "Prog Rock Records/SPV". Cd je dobio gomilu fenomenalnih kritika, a distribuira se i prodaje širom sveta pod okriljem jednog od najvećih svetskih distributera - SPV. Na albumu su svirali mnogi afirmisani muzičari iz inostranstva. Neki od njih su sarađivali sa veličinama kao što su Dave Weckl, Dream Theater, Yngwie Malmsteen...
Srđan je svirao i na "Shadow Gallery" albumu "Digital ghosts", zajedno sa legendarnim pevačem Ralf Sheepersom (Promal Fear, Gamma Ray).
2012. godine konačno izlazi i treći studijski album "Priče o snovima", ovoga puta za "Power music".
U 2014. godini su objavljeni singlovi za pesme "Elegia Balcanica" i "Vreme je", dve pesme koje najavljuju 4. studijski album "Elegia Balcanica", koji ce biti objavljen pod znakom "Miner records"-a.
1. Almagest
2. Callis ad astra
3. Galija
4. Vreme je
5. Elegia Balcanica
6. Ona zna (Lilit)
7. Inferno
8. U tišini
9. Intentionally Blind (dedicated to Chuck Schuldiner)
GORY BLISTER made their debut in 1991 and 1993 with a couple of demo tapes which were received with great reviews by the most important Italian magazines. But the first real exposure was given by the mini CD “Cognitive Sinergy” (1997_Nosferatu Rec.) that made the band well-known in Italy creating the first league of Gory fans. In 2001 the band was picked up by the German magazine Rock Hard and included into the compilation CD “Unerhort”, becoming well-known europewide as well. In 2003 Gory Blister signed to the French label Sekhmet Records and released their first full length album “Art Bleeds”. This release got very good reviews both from the media and fans. This resulted in their first headlining tour in Italy and expanded their fanbase from Europe to the worldwide underground.
In January 2005 GORY BLISTER signed to the Dutch label Mascot Records and the first release was 'Skymorphosys' (2006), including a cover version of Death’s 1000 Eyes. A European tour with Sadus (U.S.A.) and Darkane (Sweden) followed to promote the new album. After the European Tour, several headlining gigs in Italy with supporting acts such as Amoral (Finland) gave GORY BLISTER the chance to join the Italian Evolution Festival (2007) and share the same stage with monster acts like Nevermore, Cynic, Sodom, Kataklysm, Virgin Steele, Sebastian Bach and many more. In April 2009, Joe and Raff set the follow-up to 2006's "Skymorphosys" and entered the studio to record the third and new album titled “Graveyard Of Angels”, release date 2009 under Mascot Records. 2011 - After touring Italy to promote the last album, GORY BLISTER began writing new songs. Guitarist / vocalist KARL SANDERS from U.S. death metal band NILE joined the band to sing as a guest vocalist on two tracks for this fourth album. 2012 - Gory Blister signed a new deal with Becker Team Records, a division of Scarlet Records for the release of the new album entitled "Earth-Sick" (released April 2012). The new album contains 10 new songs of pure technical and brutal, Death Metal in the style that has always distinguished the band over the past 20 years.
WINGS IN MOTION is a progressive melodic death metal band from Greece, formed in 2008, by guitarists Tasos Asonitis and Pete Tross.
The band's current line up consists of Andre Boutos on vocals, Tasos Asonitis and Alex Lappas on the guitars, Constantine on the Keyboards, George Constantinou on the bass, and Defkalion on the drums.
The band's style combines heavy, thrashy and from times to times technical riffing, with melodies and keyboard elements that give their sound a whole new dimension ,fact that is enhanced by the constant switching between brutal, scream and clean vocals. The band's music is more of a universal listening experience than a particular category of metal, with influences that range from artists like Dream Theater and Nevermore, to Lamb of God, Machine Head and In Flames.
In summer 2010, having already released a demo of two songs, the band signed up with Wild Rose Angel Promotions, in order to promote its music worldwide and reach a bigger audience. At late March 2011 a four-song promo of the band's work was self-released, achieving big acceptance by fans and critics all over the world.
"This is something that you all should wait for."
Lior "Steinmetal" Stein,
It wasn't until April 2011 that the band shot its first music video for the song "Through the Shadows"(50.000+ views on youtube), which also received, and keeps receiving, a very positive feedback globally. ""Through The Shadows" instead of just following formulaic recipes, clarifies from the onset that these guys really put a lot of thought into their songwriting." In April 2011, the band's work was presented at Musikmesse 2011 in Frankfurt to gain the attention of many music product manufacturers.
In July of the same year, the band won the official Battle of the Bands Contest for the year 2010-2011, after having to compete with 34 other great bands from around Greece.
Just a few days after winning the first place, Wings In Motion was asked to play as special guests in one of the biggest music festivals in Greece, the Schoolwave Fest, at which have also performed live in the past some of the most successful metal bands in Europe like Firewind and Septic Flesh.
The band started recording its first full-length album in late 2012 to finish in the beginning of 2013. Right now the album is fully mixed and mastered. The mastering took place at Fascination Street Studios in Sweden by Tony Lindgren(Paradise Lost, Kreator, Enslaved, Katatonia etc). By 2013 another music video for one of the album's songs was shot and it will be released in near future.
Currently Wings In Motion is looking for a label to release its music with and planning a European tour in 2014.
-CYCLICITY- (2014)
1. Enter the Circle
2. The Perfect Lines
3. Our Bleeding
4. The Hydra's Head
5. Your Insanity
6. Through the Shadows (I Rise)
7. Of My Demons
8. In Absentia of Tomorrow
9. One Moment to Lose It All
10. Distances (feat Vicky Psarakis of The Agonist)
At the beginning of 2010 Benegar (ex-Mortifier - bass) and Keleborn (ex-Mortifier - drums, vocals) put together their dark ideas and decide to bring the Hegeroth project into being. Tailheg (Tail Of Luna - keyboards) joins shortly afterwards and the outline of the first tunes emerge. A few months activity yields the idea to transform the project into a full-fledged band. Currently the band is working on its promo in melodic black metal convention.. After numerous crew changes permanent members become: Ulfghar - guitar, Fenrir - bass and Edward - vocals. In April 2012 Hegeroth records the first demo "Spectral Fear" embedded in melodic black metal style. In November 2012 Keleborn decides to leave the band due to personal reasons. From this time on Hegeroth has been looking for a drummer in the meantime using drum machine. At the same time "Spectral Fear" is being send to the media and record labels. In July, Broda, the new drummer, joins the band. In September 2013 Edward and Broda leave the band. A month later Bila joins the band and Hegeroth starts working on new material. The first album will be called “Three Emperors' Triangle”. In the meantime Kele (drums) returns to the band. The band works on recording the album till June 2014. In June the music video for “The Enforcerer” is recorded. In July we are finishing working on album and prepare ourselves for the release.
Музыка коллектива основана на образах-антиподах. С одной стороны – мелодичная протяжность гитар, в низких сумрачных регистрах, и пронзительный мужской гроул. С другой – возвышенные, благородные партии клавишных и струнных инструментов, в сочетании с прекрасным лирико-драматическим сопрано. “In Memories” - это не просто собрание композиций, это целая история, которую можно проследить от песни к песне. Это история, где каждый абзац – это новый виток печального повествования, в центре которого – одинокий и противопоставленный всему миру романтический герой. Окунись в мир воспоминаний, наполненный атмосферой любви и одиночества!